Well we thought we better start making calls and telling people that we were married. Yep absolutely no one knew!
Made the calls and there was a lot of screams and crying but my phone call to my sister was a big one!
It started with
ME: So Scotty and I just got Married
SISTER: Oh my god and screams of happiness.
SISTER: Well Brett and I are having a baby, Im pregnant.
ME: Oh my god Congratulations. Screams of happiness and tears.
ME: Well Scotty and I are having a baby too and Im pregnant.
ME and SISTER: OH MY GOD Screaming, screaming and more screaming.
SISTER: Brett and I are just driving down to Coffs right now to tell Mum.
ME: When you get there lets Skype and tell her together.
About an hour later my sister arrived and they were all there on Skype.
I dropped the bombshell that we just got married and Mum went berserk with happiness then and a few minutes after mum regained her composure and then Katie said well Im having a baby.
Mum started up again then I said well Mum I am too and it was at that moment mum fell off her chair and almost had a heart attack!
We actually video'd the whole thing but do you think I can find it anywhere. IT WAS PURE GOLD!
Little did we know we would be having our first babies together just 3 weeks apart.
Yep those 3 positive tests don't lie.
As planned as our pregnancy was, finding out I was actually pregnant and we were having a baby was the biggest shock and overwhelming feeling of my life! In a good way of course ( and a slightly shitting myself kinda way. Who am I kidding, TOTALLY shitting myself kinda way).
As my sister had pointed out to me and I think she said it best, ' Well it's a little different for you guys as it's not just as easy as picking out a colour for the nursery'!
Ah Yep!
This meant leaving our jobs and leaving our life we had built over the other side of the world for the past 10 years, moving home to Australia, renovating our house and starting a whole new life!
So thats what we did.
Firstly though it was time to get my pre baby body photo!
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