Monday, October 1, 2012

Let the Birthday Week Begin...

It's my birthday on Friday which I have been reminding loved ones and anyone that will listen for the last month! This is pretty much how it goes every year. It's only Tuesday and I have myself 2 presents already! All the bugging Iv'e been doing has paid off!
Firstly Scotty told me that he has booked us 2 tickets to Prague for 5 days! Woohoo... Prague has been at the top of my list for a couple of years now so I am stoked. He even booked a awesomely funky and cool hotel! He has done very, very well.
Second pressie was from our engineer onboard who knows me all too well.
I GOT A 'SNUGGIE"!!! Yes I never in a million years thought I could say I was the owner of one of those.
Im pretty sure he bought it for his own sanity as all I do all day is walk around the boat saying 'Its Freezing' or 'Im Cold'. So he is hoping this will shut me up!

 Gotta love an engineers way of wrapping, completely wrapped in electrical tape!

But seriously after all the heckling I do to my other friends that own one , it's the best thing EVER!!

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