Monday, August 13, 2012

L'Italia Addio, Hola Espana...

Goodbye Italy Hello Spain!!!
We finally got the call up to take the boat to Barcelona with a few stops along the way.
Our first stop was Loano, Italy still !! As in only 20mins from our leaving point of Imperia. Unexpected stop but a nice little town to be holed up in for which ended up being almost a week.
Lots of afternoon bike rides, swims and afternoon cocktails at all the new white outdoor lounge bars/clubs etc. Sleepy fishing village looking to turn all funky new school! Fine by me!

 Still keeping an eye on the boat whilst sipping cocktails! Hmm my cocktail must of been still coming!

Next unexpected stop Olbia, Sardinia. Was nice to be back in Sardinia and have a few days to ourselves to hangout. Another bonus being here without guests onboard for a change. Once we got in got all tied and cleaned up we took ourselves into Olbia town and out for dinner and a few drinks.

My new favourite drink 'Lychee  Cosmopolitans'. They taste like yummy lollie water but then when you try to stand up BOOM legless.

The next day was a pristine beach day so we put on our bikini's and grabbed some trashie magazines and took ourselves to the closest most beautiful beach we could find. The view was stunning and the beach bar helped set the scene too!
Once the sun started to fade we headed back to the marina to a little Italian Restaurant/Bar for a feed then home.

Next stop Tunisia.  Didn't know exactly what to expect from Tunisia but didn't expect what we saw for some reason. We were in Port Yasmin which is a holidayers playground full of huge hotels and beach bars.
Not exactly super cultural. The place is made up of all  Muslim Indians and the language is french! Interesting .......  We had also turned up smack bang in the middle of ramadan.
So we jumped on our bikes (as we do) and took off to see what was around and basically came across horse drawn carriages, horses leading camels along the beach for rides, tuk tuks and a ton of souvenir shops.
It is beautiful by night riding along the streets, there is a lovely atmosphere in the air if you can get past some of the rank smells in that air also!!
Oh and the strangest thing was when Scotty and I were riding along on our bikes people kept asking how much was my bike, like literally EVERYONE. We would fly by and people would be yelling out HOW MUCH, HOW MUCH... Still cant figure that one out.

 There were these crazy packed pirate tourist boats that come in with music blaring and people dancing and singing. I asked whats that all about and our agent told us that they take people out and have lunch and party all along the coast. I said that sounds fun and then she told me there is NO ALCOHOL onboard! What tha??? Wont see me on there!

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